Particle Explosion Tutorial with After Effects and Trapcode Particular and Form Create Trapcode Planet from scratch step-by-step AFTER EFFECTS|TRAPCODE FORM 2.2|PARTICALS DESIGN|TUTORIAL|BY NPS3D|YOUTUBE Particle Dance 02 – Trapcode Particular Tutorial After Effects Tutorial – Colorful Magic Trails with Particular I invite you to enjoy the next 5 After Effects tutorials. You can access it following this link: Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14 Free Trial. For this purpose I recommend you to download the free trial. The price is $999, which might be high if you want to give it a try. In any case, if you want to purchase the Red Giant’s Trapcode suit, check it out over here. Powered by Shutterstock Where to get Trapcode? For instance you can use them as an intro, for stock footage, media creation, advertisement and a lot more. In any case, you can use them in a lot of situations. But the final footage you will get will have a lot of use cases. I would say that they are beginner \ medium level. I have tested all of the below listed tutorials. Probably some of the videos posted within this article are known by you, but if don’t I hop you will enjoy them. For those who didn’t met with Trapcode 14 is a suite of 11 products for 3D motion graphics and visual effects: Even if you download the trial version of Trapcode you will be blown away of the endless creative possibilities you will get. In this article I will present you 5 recommended After Effect Trapcode tutorials you should try out. Not only that it offers you a set of new tools which you can play with, but also allows you to bring your creativity to a hole new level. The same aspect is valid for Red Giant’s Trapcode suite. I think all of you agree that After Effects is a great tool and with the help of plugins this becomes even more productive.