It comes with innumerable downloading options to add more fun to your downloading experience. This one is not free like many of the others you will have to pay to access it. The videos you download using this app can be transferred very easily to your laptop of PC. It makes your downloading go very fast and you will round things off in no time at all. If you have any video you want to download, this is the perfect app to go for. This is the advanced form of Free Video Downloader Plus mentioned earlier. To make things even more interesting, the app is made available free of charges and it can be downloaded on android Smartphone. It comes with inbuilt advanced search option too. You will be able to choose the quality of the video you want to download. This app is reliable in all sense of the word. It is awesome in all sense of the word and helps you fetch your video from YouTube and download such videos without any hitch. If you have any video on your mind that you desire to download, this is one of the best you can always go for. It is one of the best movie and video downloader for those who use iPhone.