I can’t help but save it, telling myself if I read it now, then it’s truly ended- the last stories of the Disc I’ll ever get from a man I never had the honor of meeting but felt as though he was one of my dearest friends, most esteemed mentors. For the last 5+ years I’ve been going back to the beginning, rereading, telling myself THIS time is the time I will be able to leap over that last mental hurdle and dive into the magic of the last Discworld story- but I can’t. I’m afraid of the end of an era that has honed me into the human I am today. I’ve been saving it for years because- well, I’m afraid. But I still haven’t allowed myself to truly mourn your passing, I still can’t read Shepards Crown. It’s very hard, but thanks to you, I can do it. Thank you for teaching me the balance- the root and heart and soul and center, THE SOUL AND CENTER! True balance, allowing upness and downess to flow right through me.

I am eternally grateful for how you’ve taught me to think- about myself, about my fellow humans, and about humanity itself. But they speak in your voices- they speak in the voices of the Disc. Your characters live in my mind in ways I find difficult to articulate, I suppose the most accurate representation is one you gave me as well- first thoughts, second thoughts, third thoughts and if I’m extremely lucky fourth and fifth thoughts as well. Thank you for your wondrous words, that give names to the intensity of emotions I feel, that bring me closer to myself and all those around me. Thank you, for making it easier to be myself, and making me a better human in my every action and thought.