The loot system is broken in everyway possible, being almost level 100 my drops have item power in the 600's no where near the 820 mark 99.99 percent of the time and when they do drop with a higher The games main campaign is fun but after that it dies off rapidly I have no desire to sit an grind out the final levels of a character doing the exact same boring things over and over again. The games main campaign is fun but after that it dies off rapidly I have no desire to sit an grind out the final levels of a character doing the exact same boring things over and over again. You'd have to be crazy to invest any time on seasons at this point unless you're a streamer! You get a 3 for the short enjoyment we Had with this but I think at this point you owe me and everyone else money for Beta testing this game for you the past near two months. WE and Dungeons *The ALREADY extremely slow xp grind *The past nerfs in patches that made this a little less fun each time *The slow rollout of a gem tab and extra stash etc (the stuff we need NOW) We have a lot of tolerance towards repetitive gameplay and grinding and can be fun when done right but now it's got so boring and frustrating we've gave up defending this anymore. especially when joining events! *Rubber banding (yes it still exists!) *The overpriced in game store *The VERY repetitive end game content *The repetitive ANYTIME game content eg. *The server issues *The terrible loot drops *The awful lag. THIS IS NOT FUN BLIZZARD!!! We've ignored MANY issues for a while now and tried to defend this but. Nerfed so much in the latest patch we went from slaughtering mobs in World Tier 4 and now we would have to change it back to World Tier 3 just to prevent getting one shot killed at every WE or Dungeon.

THIS IS NOT FUN BLIZZARD!!! We've ignored Me and my wife have been playing since launch, but the latest update has killed off all that enthusiasm to even bother farming for new gear. Me and my wife have been playing since launch, but the latest update has killed off all that enthusiasm to even bother farming for new gear.